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Clinic For Speech Therapy &

Occupational Therapy

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A Little About Me

Hello there! I am Shreya Shetty and I am a practicing Speech Language Pathologist since 2005. Being a mother of two amazing kid's has taught me that no two children are alike, even when they belong to the same family! Every kid has his/her own varied interests and preferences. We as parents must nurture and respect their individuality and inclinations. I cherish every moment of watching my kids’ world unfolds and how best they discover their interests. My favorite part about being a mother is hearing what my children have to say for themselves and being a Speech Language Pathologist has only magnified my aspirations to play a vital role in their language development.

I have worked with children between the ages of 0-16 years with a wide range of speech, language and communication difficulties, mediating closely with their families. Extensive training in childhood speech and language problems has made me realize the strength behind the following quote: “All kids need is a little help, a little hope and someone who believes in them.”

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Shreya Shetty,


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My Education

Like Brian Herbert rightly said, “The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.” For me, learning is a never-ending experience and even the smallest of everyday experience is a new learning in the chapter of my life.

I did my Masters in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology from Mahe (Manipal) in the year 2005 and thereafter, in 2012 and 2013 I received the More than Words and Talkability certification and Hanen certification from Hanen Center (Canada). In 2015, I successfully completed the certification in Oral Placement Therapy, Talk Tools (USA) and in 2019 I proudly certified in PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System).

My Experience

JSS Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore (2006-2009):

As a lecturer in the Speech Pathology department, I taught postgraduates and undergraduates along with supervising their clinical research and projects. I always believe that the art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery, which is why teaching gives me the highest joy and even today I continue to be a guest faculty in institutions.

Vivikta Clinic for Speech and Hearing, Bengaluru (2009):

It was a great transition to move from teaching to practicing. I was closely part of cases that dealt with receptive-expressive language delay, language delays due to autism, social skill deficits, stuttering, auditory processing issues and many more. What started off as a small two room facility has now come up to a team of 8 and growing steadily! With proper guidance and support from professionals such as Mr. Naveenan (Occupational Therapist) and Mrs. Archana Dabolkar (Special Educator), the Vivikata center transformed from a simple speech and hearing center to a multispecialty clinic for speech, occupational therapy and special education - a complete center where we offer a wide range of speech and language intervention services under one roof.

Evolve Pediatric Therapy Services(2015):

The year 2015 opened doors to Evolve Pediatric Therapy Services. With the support of wonderful occupational therapists such as Mr. Naveenan and Mr. Vinod, we have always strived to foster a fun, supporting and exciting environment for children and help them in the crucial developmental years of their life. Like I have always believed; every child is unique, it is but essential that their therapy is tailor-made too to help them excel in their individual communication goals.

What Vivikta has to Offer:

Equipped with strong education and extensive experience in the specific field of speech and language therapy, we aspire to offer the latest and comprehensive therapy methods and research techniques to bring about a successful outcome. We work to provide evidence-based therapy practice and holistic care in a child’s speech and language journey.

The business practice and philosophy that we at Vivikta Clinic believe in is to provide a personalized language therapy that in turn offers substantial improvements.

More than anything, me and my team love to watch children’s faces perk up with confidence while their ability to communicate is more enriching and effective.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to the parents who have supported us and believed that we can make a significant change in their child’s life. I am especially indebted to my parents and husband without whom my idea of becoming a Speech Language Pathologist would remain a dream.